Pilates Course Instructor
Beatrice was born and raised in Brig. She worked in the financial sector for over 20 years, spending 10 of those years in Geneva before moving to Zurich in 1999. Since 2006, she has lived with her husband and two daughters in Kilchberg (ZH).
Following a serious mountain biking accident in 2001, her life was abruptly interrupted, and everyday tasks became a challenge. A long period of rehabilitation ensued, but despite various therapies, she never became entirely free of pain. During this time, she was first introduced to the Pilates method. Thanks to Julie Selwood, she was able to experience the versatility and effectiveness of Pilates in her own body, even throughout both pregnancies.

​As the training meant so much to her and helped her greatly, she wanted to explore the method more deeply and began training to become a classical Pilates instructor. In the summer of 2018, she earned her diploma as a Pilates instructor through the Julie Selwood Programme.
Her goal is to provide others with the opportunity to have the same experiences, feel the positive impact of the method in their own bodies, and share the joy of movement with them. She aims to show them that it is possible to redefine and overcome physical limitations.
Beatrice teaches in German, English, and French.